£70,000 haul was discovered at Bellanaleck property two years ago
Woman cleared of knocking down father and young son
Father and his five-year-old son knocked down by Florencecourt driver
Suspended sentence for driving without insurance
The teenager avoided having a previous suspended sentence activated.
Jail for shoplifting in Tesco
A man who was arrested for shoplifting just days before planning on leaving Fermanagh for Germany has been sentenced to two months in prison.
Driver banned for drinking vodka in broken down car
The Donegal man bought vodka and drank it in his car while he waited for a friend to pick him up.
Bar staff praised for reporting drunk driving customer
Judge commends staff from The Lough Inn in Enniskillen after customer left drunk and drove away
Man accused of assaulting sister in domestic row
The man has been granted bail on the condition he does not enter Fermanagh.
Teenager gets bail to visit sick grandfather
The teen is in custody on 26 charges relating to an incident at Apex Housing in Enniskillen earlier in the summer.
Teenager injured officer’s finger during struggle
The teen, who is already in prison, has been given a conditional discharge.