
The Bogue’s are back and ready for action

On Sunday, Bláithín Bogue will pull on the jersey for her first competitive game since November 2020 when she played in Fermanagh’s All Ireland Junior group stage game against Carlow.

The talented Tempo forward stepped away for “personal reasons” but is back in the fray now, along with her sister Cadhla and are a big boost to manager James Daly’s squad.

As the 21 year old Queen’s University pharmacy sttudent readies herself for the start of the National League, Bláithín admits it’s good to be back;

“I did miss it, it was a long year seeing the girls going out and playing and I obviously still supported them throughout the year and I watched their games throughout the year.

“I’m glad now I’m on the inside of the fence rather than the outside of the fence.”

The Bláithín Bogue -Eimear Smyth partnership was absent last season but with both the Tempo and Derrygonnelly players in the team, that dynamic force in attack is back.

“Me and Eimear have played with each other for five or six years and we were playing with each other yesterday (Sunday) and we both said to each other, it’s good to get the partnership back in action.”

Bláithín takes up position at centre half forward and her sister Cadhla plays in midfield and while both players concentrated on their club football with Tempo last season, Bláithín is delighted to be back in the green and the positivity in the camp certainly seems to be rubbing off on her.

“There’s lots of new girls, it’s good to see new faces out, as well as the old ones that have come back out. Everything in the camp seems positive, everyone gets on well and I’m just glad to be back out playing” she says.

To read more on this story see this week’s Fermanagh Herald. Can’t get to the shop to collect your copy? No problem! You can download a copy straight to your device by following this link
