Growth Through Export Award


Award sponsored by Cavanagh Kelly

Award sponsored by Cavanagh Kelly

Vote for your favourite nominee by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and following the instructions.

PLEASE NOTE: votes do not determine the final winners but help create awareness of the nominee’s shortlisting.

JFC distribution

James Connolly from JFC Distribution

McElwaine Security Services Ltd

Jason McElwaine of McElwaine Security, Lisnaskea.


Michael Coyle from Roofscape


HOW TO VOTE: Select the relevant tick box below and click vote. By supporting your favourite nominee you are creating additional awareness of their nomination and highlighting their success.

Closing date
Public view for the online vote closes at 10am, Friday 22nd September and the final deadline is 10am, Monday 25th September

PLEASE NOTE: votes do not determine the final winners but help create awareness of the nominee’s shortlisting.

Terms: One vote per IP address; Deadlines as detailed, for more information contact